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Relationship –As a Spiritual Practice

Having a couples relationship is actually practice for how we could be with everyone we have contact with. As we learn to be open more and connect deeper we are gaining practice and ability for the larger world. This has nothing to do with sex or romance – it is about true connection with others. Many of us feel isolated and feel we are on the outside; like we don't belong in some way.

We can choose to remain isolated or we can open more to those we come in contact with. Being open to others, or anything for that matter, is a practice. Open to live more authentically with each other – live more fully and more deeply. Open to have more fulfilling interactions with others. Give up the protection you have wrapped around yourself. OPEN…

Our deepest nature, our true spirit is openness, love and boundless freedom. When we lose touch with our fullness, we begin to yearn for that which seems missing. The feminine in each of us longs for deeper love and tries to find it in intimate relationship, family or friends.

The deepest desire of the feminine heart is to flow open with love. No matter how successful you are in your career, if you have a more feminine essence, then your heart will not feel fulfilled unless love is flowing in your life. Deep love. Trustable love. A love that allows you to surrender and relax open as love's graceful fullness. We have an opportunity in this life to forget our hurts and problems. And open into love; bring and receive joy with each other and experience the divine within the love of our intimate partner.

Open as love, birthed full in this moment, alive as Having a couples relationship is actually practice for how we could be with everyone we have contact with. As we learn to be open more and connect deeper we are gaining practice and ability for the larger world.

This has nothing to do with sex or romance – it is about true connection with others. Many of us feel isolated and feel we are on the outside; like we don't belong in some way. We can choose to remain isolated or we can open more to those we come in contact with. Being open to others, or anything for that matter, is a practice.

Open to live more authentically with each other – live more fully and more deeply. Open to have more fulfilling interactions with others. Give up the protection you have wrapped around yourself. OPEN… Our deepest nature, our true spirit is openness, love and boundless freedom. When we lose touch with our fullness, we begin to yearn for that which seems missing. The feminine in each of us longs for deeper love and tries to find it in intimate relationship, family or friends. The deepest desire of the feminine heart is to flow open with love. No matter how successful you are in your career, if you have a more feminine essence, then your heart will not feel fulfilled unless love is flowing in your life. Deep love. Trustable love. A love that allows you to surrender and relax open as love's graceful fullness.

We have an opportunity in this life to forget our hurts and problems. And open into love; bring and receive joy with each other and experience the divine within the love of our intimate partner. Open as love, birthed full in this moment, alive as all, who yearns to feel adored? Open as abundant love, who longs to feel cherished? What is there to do if you are so full of love that more love isn't possible?

If you truly trusted love abounding as all of life, then what would occupy your emotions? Unending and all-abundant love is the end of the feminine drama. Relax open so you can feel open as this entire moment. The love for which you long, the freedom for which you aim, is alive as you are open now.

Relationships give us the opportunity to test our skills of communication, intimacy, commitment, authenticity and integrity. The beauty of relationship is that it awakens the mystery and magic of our soul. Relationships also take us back to unity with the Divine and a memory of a state of being in bliss with God. Every relationship is a reflection of our relationship with God from our perspective.

Spiritual relationships are connection to the divine through another. They also help you be open to your own soul. To attain this kind of relationship we must trust ourselves and trust our partner. And having deep connection with others opens us to our depth.

For more information read our Couples Retreat Brochure

Serve You Partner to Your Greatest Ability

Rather than worry about what you are getting from them.  So many people have a relationship in which they are waiting for their partner to get something about them or give them before they give to their partner.  This sets up a kind of waiting game where both partners are waiting and waiting.  I say act now, show your partner love.  Don’t wait, don’t hold back.  Be the one who invites their partner to a deeper, loving and fulfilling relationship.  And do it every day. 

Do not wait, do not keep score but give your fullest open heart without reservation, without doubt.  You receive love only to the degree you give it and you are open to it.  Be open and free. 

The freedom in relationship comes from open heartedness and the more you open to your partner the more they will open to you.  When you open your heart they will feel it and respond.  Don’t wait a second more.  Open to your partner.  Open first get across to them how you feel, show them your love.

Couples Therapy Philosophy

My philosophy when working with couples is that I am not on the side of either of the individuals in the couple but I am on the side of the relationship.  Neither side is taken during therapy but the work is geared toward resolving relationship issues that interfere with having a fulfilling relationship.   My first goal is that everyone in the family or relationship is safe and my second goals always to preserve the relationship unless someone is not safe in the relationship as in the case of Domestic Violence or other issues that cause safety to be the number one issue.  As I work with couples I work toward mutual respect and freedom for each person in the relationship to be who they are. 

To accomplish these goals we increase communication between partners, Identify the issues that are causing dissatisfaction in the relationship, assist the partners in learning to negotiate difficult situations and build mutual respect between them.  We also introduce practices help build a deeper more loving relationship. 

Sometimes during couples work the couple may be asked to do individual work to resolve personal issues that seem to interfere with their ability to have the relationship they want.  Also, they may be offered the opportunity to attend a couples retreat that is designed to take their relationship to deeper levels with powerful group processes, dyad work, and hypnotherapy sessions.

Falls from the American side